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'It was beyond magical' | Charlotte Make-A-Wish kid gets to reenact Home Alone in NYC

In life, sometimes we have setbacks.

For one Charlotte family, the word “cancer” changed their lives forever. WCNC Charlotte is happy to report Cameron Gray is doing well now. And thanks to Make-A-Wish of Central & Western North Carolina, he was able to make a once-in-a-lifetime trip, replicating his favorite movie.

"Cameron was a totally healthy kid," Cameron's mom remembered.

Cameron's parents, Robert and Clary Gray, said they received the shock of a lifetime when their son turned seven.

"He started getting very bad headaches that we couldn't find the cause of," Robert said. "And we eventually found that he had a brain tumor."

While Cameron had the tumor removed successfully in Charlotte, the tumor was metastatic.

"Luckily, Cameron fit into a trial at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis," Robert explained.

Cameron had to receive two months of radiation and seven months of chemotherapy before returning home. And that's where Make-A-Wish stepped in, just in time for Cameron's one-year anniversary of returning home.

"I picked New York and to do what they did in Home Alone 2," Cameron said. "Because it's my favorite movie."

And Cameron wanted to do exactly what they did in the movie.

"They went ice skating," Cameron exclaimed. "We went and got a Sunday at Sunday bar. We stayed at the Plaza Hotel where they stayed in the movie."

And the excitement kept on coming.

"So in the movie, Kevin McAllister gets a limo ride with cheese pizza," Cameron explained. "And so we got a limo ride. And we had a cheese pizza in it. Oh, we went to FAO Schwarz! Awesome."

"It was beyond magical," Cameron's mom said. "That's not even the right word for it. When Cameron made his wish, he made it when he had just finished his two months of radiation."

"I'd like to kind of think that all the hardship that we went through, made us stronger as a family. And I think it's true," she continued.

She looked at Cameron.

He added with a smile, "Yeah, yeah."

The family said Cameron is doing well. He’s finished with his treatments and there’s no evidence of cancer. They are just so thankful to Make-A-Wish for giving their family an unforgettable trip with memories they will cherish forever.

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